CPT and TF-CBT Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Treatment

If you are experiencing mental health symptoms that seem to be connected to trauma or stressful life events, the good news is that you can be treated. We have extensive training in both Trauma-Focused CBT and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) which are the gold standards in trauma care. We will do a comprehensive assessment of your needs as we are getting to know you and together, we will create an effective treatment plan to address your unique issues.
Trauma-Focused CBT AND Cognitive-Processing Therapy Dynamics
Typically, one-third of the total treatment is devoted to each phase of treatment. Both of these protocols include a desensitization process as you move through your treatment. We will introduce a technique called SUDS, Subjective Units of Distress Scale, which is a pivotal part of working on trauma issues.
The stabilization and skill-building phase begins with a focus on psychoeducation about the dynamics, prevalence, impact, and treatment of the experienced trauma, working toward developing skills to manage trauma reminders. Use of SUDs to pace the level of trauma exposure. Therapists rely on SUDS – which stand for Subjective Units of Distress to help them understand how their clients are tolerating a stressor or event. It can be on a 1-to-10 scale, with 1 being low distress and a 10 being highest distress.
This is how a therapist knows how far to push during an intervention or homework assignment. It is also a useful in determining whether you are making progress during an intervention. We expect to see higher SUDS levels at the beginning of treatment, and then a drop in levels as time goes on. Some people drop sharply, some drop in steps and then plateau, and some drop very gradually over a long period of time.
Trauma Narrative
The details of the traumatic memories are gradually introduced, discussed and written about over the course of this middle phase of treatment. We can use techniques such as storyboarding, poster boards, to allow for verbal and non-verbal expression.
The final phase of treatment then focuses on the integration and consolidation of what has been learned, safety skills development, if appropriate to the case, and the mastery of new behaviors and emotional responses.

It May Be Time For
Psychological Support
This is an office that specializes in the treatment of women. There are times in life when a woman can feel off balance and can’t seem to snap out of it. When our own natural support system just isn’t enough, it may be time to reach out to a professional counselor to start the process of therapy.
Our new office in Portland provides effective and reliable Teletherapy services for women. It has proven to be a very viable way to meet with clients. During our sessions, we meet face-to-face, utilize the whiteboard and share important visual materials with you. We recognize the importance of a good therapeutic relationship and strive to build a positive rapport, treating each client with respect and dignity. This office now accepts Medicaid clients.